Well i been busy since My NEW IPOD IS HERE!
Also been busy configuring a whole lot of stuff
anyway just to *share* what i been busy with lately
Anyone want to join? It's an online football Managing Game
Thanks to George who introduced it! The Link's Below
Trophymanager.comAnyway i say i been pretty happy with the results so far
My Team's KahkeeBankah wahahah
i wanted to put kahkeebankahmor but too long already wahaha
After taking the helm and with a lot of coaching from George (poipoi)
My team achieved a 3 Win, 1 Draw result Woo hoo
Anyway as you can see my next match is again Poipoi...
bleh... He's in premier league and i'm in Divison 5.
I need Help!
Well i'll get back to tuning stuff and setuping up more stuff
Anyway See you guys/gals soon :D