Thursday, August 28, 2008

August with a BANG~

Thank you for those who made it to the Ipoh trip
Had great fun... hehe and definitely more eating to come in the future

Thank you for those who made my day special
THANKS a lot, appreciate it very much!!
Turning 25 on the 25th is a definitely a turning point

Thanks to people in LG,
Too bad i had to crash your party wahahahah
Thanks a lot as well

Congratulations to wedding bells
Those who have found someone new
Those who have found happiness
I wish both of you the best!!

Now to continue on with my plans....
Muahaha to rule the world? *Pinky and the brain*....

*will put some pics up soon hopefully*


George Yew said...

sorry about the pic. all still in my camera. lol.

Beh, YC said...

looking forward for the pics as long "soon" is not that long...hahaha...